... and a really courageous girl. She was one of the very few African American students at Allderdice back then. That must have taken real guts. I had a number of classes with her, and I just remember her as being really smart and really nice. Does anyone know when or where she died?
She had won election to be the Secretary of our Senior Class. Though the job was largely ceremonial, it was impressive, nonetheless, as no other women were elected to any of the other four posts. Adios, Betsy, I hope you had a splendid ride! xo, Howie
I am sad to hear that Elizabeth has passed. She was a very nice and quiet girl. I remember her always having a smile on her face when she said hello. Sorry to see her gone.
I add my words of sorrow to the rest of our classmates who have posted about Elizabeth Graves' passing. Another classmate I won't get to reconnect with at our reunion if she had planned on attending. So many of us gone and we are still in our 60s.
Betsy has been gone since before our fortieth reunion. I remember someone telling. me at the reunion and it felt so bad to know that such a great girl had died so young.
JoAnn Weinstein (Erfer)
So sad. She was such a nice girl.
Barbara Dershowitz (Berk)
She really was a nice girl. I'm sorry to hear about another classmate gone too soon.
Beth Ashkin
So very sad. I remember her fondly.
Gerry Katz
... and a really courageous girl. She was one of the very few African American students at Allderdice back then. That must have taken real guts. I had a number of classes with her, and I just remember her as being really smart and really nice. Does anyone know when or where she died?
Howie Gordon
She had won election to be the Secretary of our Senior Class. Though the job was largely ceremonial, it was impressive, nonetheless, as no other women were elected to any of the other four posts. Adios, Betsy, I hope you had a splendid ride! xo, Howie
Ray Secoli
I am sad to hear that Elizabeth has passed. She was a very nice and quiet girl. I remember her always having a smile on her face when she said hello. Sorry to see her gone.
Lois Fink
I add my words of sorrow to the rest of our classmates who have posted about Elizabeth Graves' passing. Another classmate I won't get to reconnect with at our reunion if she had planned on attending. So many of us gone and we are still in our 60s.
Kate Banov (Silverman)
Betsy has been gone since before our fortieth reunion. I remember someone telling. me at the reunion and it felt so bad to know that such a great girl had died so young.